Monday, August 28, 2017

 Leather Crib Shoes
Luxury your baby deserves!

Also available in white.
Pink for the sweet Princess in your life.
Perfect for picture day!
These shoes are made in Spain with the greatest of care.  They are available in sizes 15 thru 20.  Call me to order - 931-797-2625.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


It's time to be thinking about stocking your shelves with knits for the baby.  Not only are sweaters important but hats to cover those little ears and head are too.  
Dress your baby to cover fingers, toes, ears, nose and chin but be cautious. Layer your baby's clothes.
Bundling your child in too many or too heavy layers can make him sweat, leading to blocked glands and skin irritation, while under-dressing can dry out exposed skin or aggravate a preexisting condition.
 Check out these cute knit hats for baby!
Call me to see all the knit goodies for baby! 

Monday, August 7, 2017


Top 5 Tips for Living an Organic Lifestyle 

What do you think when you hear "organic"?  Food? You wouldn’t be alone, most people think of food, and while it is definitely one of the most immediately gratifying organic options, lucky for us, it is not the only eco-friendly lifestyle option.

    From the clothes we wear to the cleaning products in our home, organic options are all around us. Going organic has so many benefits. One of the most universally understood is how much healthier it is for us. Getting rid of toxic pesticides and chemicals in our refrigerators and homes helps us live longer, happier and healthier lives.  
    Choosing organic options whenever possible is a sustainable way to live life. It refocuses our attention on the long-term needs of our children and our grandchildren over the short-term perks to be gained by corporations benefitting from cheap chemical alternatives.
     Choose clothing for your child from companies who go out of their way to go organic and provide only the best products for you and your family.  That's Under the Nile, a company that is concerned about our children's future and strives to produce the best organic clothing for your children and grandchildren.
     Choose UNDER THE NILE for the best organic clothing.